For leaders and executives looking to invest in themselves...

Confident and Captivating Cover Letters

Executive Cover Letter Writing Service

How does our Executive Cover Letter Writing Service work?

 Do we really need cover letters? Does anyone read them? Does anyone care?? 

Well, if we consider the cover letter as an effective marketing tool which provides the attention-grabbing subject lines for the inbox, a persuasive synopsis of your leadership, and the perfect introduction for your resume...

...then yes, I would say they are an important part of your career marketing portfolio.

It's considered out-dated to send long drawn out word document attachments and so these days we focus on writing captivating email cover letter or "enotes".

Our team will write your introductory opening cover notes for the various situations you will find yourself in throughout your job search.

Our cover letters use the language and layout recruiters and hiring managers will respond to. Recruiters need to see specific language jump off the page. When they are trying to match candidates they need to quickly see if you are the right fit and so the cover lettersI we write for you are designed with the recruiters in mind.

Add this great marketing tool to your portfolio today.

Founder of Chameleon Resumes

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Terms and Conditions

We take your commitment to advancing your job search seriously and we are very excited and honored to help you with the tools and processes that have helped others to generate results to advance their career. To help us have a clear start, here are the terms and conditions for you to accept with your purchase. Our clients never have to look at these again, since we do all we can to make sure you are happy – but our lawyers tell us to post this. We are looking forward to working with you.

Once you have remitted payment, Chameleon Resumes will reach out to you within 24 hours of payment with the specific follow-up work pertaining to your purchase. Thank you so much for choosing Chameleon Resumes as your job search advancement partner. We appreciate your business and confidence.

It is our policy to work with you until you are satisfied with your documents. We build our business on referrals and word-of-mouth from happy clients. We take client satisfaction very seriously. Let us know what we need to do to make you a happy with your documents to ensure we accomplish that goal.

The clients of Chameleon Resumes have an excellent record of landing positions and advancing their careers. However, Chameleon Resumes offers no guarantees to its clients of landing a job or promotion as a result of using our services. For all services purchased, it is imperative for you, the client, to know that it is a collaborative process between us. In making this purchase, you agree to perform suggested activities and required follow-up to advance your job search and to improve your results. The client acknowledges and understands that while Chameleon Resumes is very committed to our client’s success, we cannot guarantee it – no career professional should or can.

As the client, you are responsible for finalizing your career documents’ completeness and accuracy before submitting to job applications and emailing colleagues with your documents. You are additionally responsible for uploading the LinkedIn profile content we create for you, so we are both compliant with LinkedIn's user agreement. We are not liable for any injury or damage caused by omissions, false statements, or other inaccuracies. We will work with you through the document edit phase to make this finalization and proofreading process smooth, but it is ultimately your responsibility to review and finalize your documents.

All documents are considered completed within three months of the purchase date. Unused services will be subject to price increases or changes in package composition after one year of the purchase date. Unused services are not eligible for a refund.Once a job offer is accepted by you, any remaining coaching time will be applied to Onboarding or Career coaching services to support you with continued success. The client will choose which service to apply their remaining time to via a written request at that time.

Client agrees to be available during business hours for all calls pertaining to writing the documents and the majority of calls focused on coaching. The Chameleon Team will always do our best to be flexible, but we work mostly business hours as we feel it brings the best results for our clients and quality of life for our team.

Resume Edits included in the initial resume creation process will focus on information listed in prep work and outlined during informational interview only (this also includes requests made via email prior to beginning the writing process). Adding additional employment, education or achievement information to be added to the document after first drafts have been presented is considered a Resume Update service. Additional information can be incorporated into the first draft with an additional Resume Update fee.

For any scheduled appointments (informational interview calls, coaching calls or follow-up edit calls), please give 24 hours notice if you are unable to make a call. Without notice, the scheduled call can count towards the allotted calls for your purchased service.

All Sales Are Final. As the client, you agree that in paying for any product and/or service, that you agree that all aspects of the creation of all products and services offered on this site, including the processes necessary to craft the product and deliver the service to you, constitute a set of creative products and services. As such, you agree that all payments for all such creative products and services are final. By remitting payment, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions in their entirety.

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