For leaders and executives looking to invest in themselves...

"Writing Effective Thank You Notes" Templates

$27 - Today Only

Sending an unforgettable thank you note to a new connection, an interviewer, or referral is not only a #1 networking tactic, but will ensure you stay front of mind for employers and recruiters.

Let me ask you:

Once your interview is over, do you have a powerful thank you letter to send to your interviewer?

Do you know how to stay front of mind long after you've left the room?

Choose from several types of thank you notes and use tried and tested templates to create your own custom thank you notes for after your interviews and networking.

No longer stress about what to say or how long the letter should be.

Our point-by-point templates and samples will make it easy for you to write your own personalized document to seal the deal. Refresh the interviewer’s memory about what you can bring to the employer and how you can be of value in this position.

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